
Something’s wrong. A dull pain in my hip throbbed – the sharp edge of a rock was jabbing into me, but it was the thought that woke me up. Opening my eyes, I pushed myself into a seated position. Gravel crunched and cracked beneath me. The second I put weight on my right hand a jarring ache shot through my palm like electricity. Upon turning it over, I saw a large scrape on the pad of my...

Lights In The Wakes

The dirt path winds its way around the water. It is secluded and allowing me to watch the people in their houses going about their nighttime routines. Lights reflect off the lake with elegance.  The moon is larger than usual tonight, air sweet with the taste of flowers. I stop to look at a house, dreaming of a future of endless possibility. I wonder if the people can see me in the dark with...