Full Stop

Synopsis: Jadine drove throw deep snow to get to work at the gas station she manages to find herself face-to-face with a big-shoed psycho. She’s starting to wish she’d called out.

Status: Completed

Last Updated: 11/28/2022

Read-Time: 75 min.

Part 1: Page 1

Part 2: Page 8

Part 3: Page 18

Part 4: Page 24

Part 1: Send In The Clowns

An eerie quiet greeted Jadine, as she stepped through the back door. Only the sound of her own footsteps, sneakers squeaking against the tiled floor, reached her ears. Goosebumps broke out on her arms. Absently, she rubbed them away; stashing her wet coat, dripping melted snow, into her locker as she walked by. The air felt pregnant with foreboding.

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