Full Stop

“Jeez, I counted at least ten cars and an ambulance. Do you think they know what happened?”

Trevin shrugged. “Those two cops were on their walkies when they were attacked. Maybe they managed to give some details before they were killed.”

“Do we go back?” Stacy asked again, quietly. The van had slowed to a snail’s pace. “We may be in trouble if we don’t.”

“No,” Jadine said, settling back in her seat and secureing her seat belt. “I’m not taking any chances. I’ll call and explain everything when we’re safely somewhere else.”

Stacy nodded and hit the gas. The van slid forward, the tires spinning briefly before catching and moving them forward once more. The incline of the on-ramp was rough going, but, at the top, the interstate was clear.

“Like they knew we were coming,” Stacy whispered.

Jadine’s lips twitched into a thin smile. Behind them, the city lights flickered twice then blinked on.

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