Full Stop

Hands out in front of her, feeling through the darkness, Jadine slowly made her way across the room. Trevin, one hand clutching the back of her shirt and the other stretched out before him, shuffled along behind her. Traversing the room at a snail’s pace was excruciating. Jadine’s senses were on high alert, her heart ready to leap into panic mode at any moment. She had just stepped over the metal grate placed in the center of room to drain excess water from the floor when a feeble light appeared ahead of her to the right. Jadine recognized it immediately and picked up her pace.

Stacy was bent over one of the kitchen counters, rifling through a large plastic container muttering softly to herself, when they entered the room. She let out a stifled scream when Trevin tapped her shoulder.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that!” She said angrily, her hand rubbing her chest above her heart. “You’ll give me a heart attack.”

Across the store, a screech answered her scream followed by the sound of many fists banging against the barricade.

“Oh, God,” Stacy said, fighting back tears of frustration. “I can’t find the flashlight.”

Jadine began yanking open cabinet drawers in hopes of finding the light. Trevin moved to the far side of the room and did the same. Both came up empty.

“We don’t have time to search anymore,” Jadine said. “We’ve got to get something up against those doors and get the hell out of here while we still can.”

“You’re the boss,” Stacy said. “Whatever you say.”

“I say one light will have to do.”

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