M J Parker

Sitting beside a roaring fireplace, accompanied by wolf-hounds and enlivened by a warm cup of cocoa, is where this fiction author would like to be on a dark and stormy night. On a desk by the window, where the rain is tapping away, lie documents and papers, shrewdly accounting the many paranormal experiences their life has gifted them with. Outside, amongst the trees, a figure watches. Is it a figment of imagination, or something more sinister?

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Coban Parker

Staying out of the spotlight for fear of the onlookers’ eyes peeling back the flesh and gazing into his soul, this author keeps a low-profile. His walls only have obscure posters and pieces of abstract art. Any portraits are hidden away where the eyes cannot be seen. Still, they watch. Still, they learn. Nothing can stay hidden for long.

Len Kean

Peering through aisles and aisles of books, he searches for the old ones. He’s been coming to this same bookstore in the old part of town for the better half of 34 years. He boasts a love for old English novels, convinced that they “tell the best ghost stories.”

Babydoll Evie

She knows what it means when she wakes up at three in the morning. The woman from downstairs is standing in the door again. With her dark hair in knots, wearing nothing but a tattered white nightgown, her eyes pierce through the dark as she stares at Evie. The woman will raise a finger to her lips as if to say hush. By now, it’s easy to ignore her. Things were more fun when such visitors were unsettling.

CiCi Taylor