Watchman’s Log

First Posted: Oct 23rd, 2022 Last Updated: Oct 23rd, 2022 Year One: June 14th Night had long since fallen when I stepped out of the stairwell and onto the deck. A bright waning moon beamed down from a star filled sky, burning through the wispy clouds that flitted across its face. The hot humid air weighed heavy on my lungs, like breathing through a wet blanket. Uncomfortable, but I knew by three...

Full Stop

Synopsis: Jadine drove throw deep snow to get to work at the gas station she manages to find herself face-to-face with a big-shoed psycho. She’s starting to wish she’d called out.

Status: Completed

Last Updated: 11/28/2022

Read-Time: 75 min.

Part 1: Page 1

Part 2: Page 8

Part 3: Page 18

Part 4: Page 24

Part 1: Send In The Clowns

An eerie quiet greeted Jadine, as she stepped through the back door. Only the sound of her own footsteps, sneakers squeaking against the tiled floor, reached her ears. Goosebumps broke out on her arms. Absently, she rubbed them away; stashing her wet coat, dripping melted snow, into her locker as she walked by. The air felt pregnant with foreboding.

Continue reading “Full Stop”

To A Tee

Jasper stood silently surveying the mangled mess that, yesterday, had been the metal frame of a new convenience store. The freak mid-spring storm that had blown through the night before, had left the structure twisted and broken. If he didn’t know better, and he did know better, he’d think a tornado had hit it. Now after weeks of hard work, the building looked like a Dali painting. Throw in...


I was dreaming. The strange sort of dream that was all at once so real you believe it to be true, and so fantastic it seems impossible. The colors were muted and dull like a watercolor painting that had been intentionally washed out. As often happens in dreams, everything around me was familiar though a piece of my mind argued that it couldn’t be. The bed linens were a pastel yellow cotton,...

Watcher In The Shadows

The ship was dark. Not as dark as the space it drifted through, but what little lighting still worked in the interior was weak, casting feeble splotches here and there to illuminate the cabin. Not long ago, the ship had hurtled through space like a shooting star. That time had ended. The ship had slowed, and soon the light would go out entirely, plunging its occupants into darkness. The woman,...


Amy stepped off the forest trail, creeping into the shadows of the looming trees. Leaves and twigs crunched beneath the soles of her hiking boots, the sound mingling with the song of the birds high overhead. Carefully she clutched a shoebox, neither letting it tilt to the left nor the right, keeping the creature inside quiet and safe from harm. When she felt she had gone far enough, she crouched...

Justice For All

Justice For All M J Parker The storm came out of nowhere, rolling over the big rig like a colossal wave over a schooner.                         The rain pelted the windshield with the intensity of a hailstorm without the hard little pellets. Instead, the water created a mini river...