
The air was cold as it blew in through the open window, the scent sweet. The fragrance was the first thing that felt out of place on that late September night. With her palms pressed hard against the wooden sill, Margaret stared out into the cornfield. The only light came from the soft, hazy glow of the moon, alighting only the tops of the corn leaves and the swells of the uneven road. Whatever...


I bolted upright in bed, my whole body shaking. The sheet, damp with nervous sweat, stuck to my chest which was throbbing. After a few moments of wrangling my heart back to a slight pound, I gathered my thoughts. That same damn dream. The afterimages of the nightmare fluttered around like thin newspaper scattered by an unfelt breeze. Hands still shaky, I peeled sweat-drenched hair from my face...


Something’s wrong. A dull pain in my hip throbbed – the sharp edge of a rock was jabbing into me, but it was the thought that woke me up. Opening my eyes, I pushed myself into a seated position. Gravel crunched and cracked beneath me. The second I put weight on my right hand a jarring ache shot through my palm like electricity. Upon turning it over, I saw a large scrape on the pad of my...

Before The Sun Was Up

My mind felt clear as I ran. Feet clipping hard against the pavement and heart pounding in my chest, I felt peaceful, renewed. In the calm of the early morning, the only sound I paid attention to was the huff of my breathing and the splash of water underfoot. The air was bitter cold, pouring into my lungs like jagged ice - the only downside to going for a run before the sun was up. The path...

Welcome, Traveller!

As you can see, we're not much more than skin and bones at this point. Worry not! This is just a publishing starting point. By 5 pm on October 30th our first set of short stories and a few blog posts will be ready for your eager eyes to devour. For now, enjoy watching the site regrow its muscles, nervous system, and vital organs. It's a messy process, but bringing the dead back to life is seldom...